The University Laboratory Schools, Thomas Metcalf and University High School, provide educational opportunities for preschool through twelfth-grade students. The schools offer high-quality academic programs and promote ongoing teacher education. They also offer learning opportunities for teacher candidates and serve as a place where future teachers can observe, study, and practice education theory. Both schools also serve as an environment to conduct research and development activities.
The Laboratory Schools have been part of Illinois State University since its inception and have offered exemplary teaching for more than 150 years. We are one of the oldest and largest lab school systems in the United States and a department within the College of Education at Illinois State University. Lab School enrollment is legislated through the Illinois School Code at 1,000 students.
Our Mission
The University Laboratory Schools will provide pre-service teacher education, research, exemplary teaching and learning, and service to the profession, all built on our foundation of excellence in education theory and practice.