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Site Code of Conduct

Professional behavior at a clinical site is expected. Reports of unprofessional behavior by a school may result in the teacher candidate being withdrawn from that placement and a Disposition Concern being submitted. It may also result in a teacher candidate being withdrawn from their major program.

Initial Observation of Unprofessional Behavior

If a teacher candidate exhibits a dispositional concern, the following steps will be taken to address the candidate's unprofessional behavior. The faculty member or other personnel:

  1. Discusses with the teacher candidate the reason(s) why the observed behavior is unprofessional.
  2. Writes a disposition concern or notifies the teacher candidate that if his or her unprofessional behavior is not satisfactorily addressed, a disposition will be written.
  3. Sends a follow-up email to the teacher candidate to ensure written documentation of the conversation.

If the initial unacceptable behavior is not resolvable through the dispositional process, regular departmental policies and governances will apply. Behaviors that are not resolvable through the dispositional process may include, but are not limited to: cheating, plagiarism, sexual offenses, substance abuse, not being present for the last week of classes or for the last week of student teaching, altercations with students, cooperating teachers, supervisors, or faculty members. Some behaviors may warrant immediate termination from the teacher education program.