This is an alternate content page containing a Sorting Activity. It has opened in a new window.
The activity has categories and cards. Cards may have text or an image. Assign the cards to the proper categories.

Non-proficient Readers
Proficient Readers

Card 1:
Text: read everything at the same rate
Card 2:
Text: do not monitor their comprehension
Card 3:
Text: possess limited background knowledge
Card 4:
Text: create visual and sensory images from text
Card 5:
Text: do not consistently apply word attack skills
Card 6:
Text: inconsistently recall or use background knowledge
Card 7:
Text: organize and integrate new information
Card 8:
Text: read word-by-word
Card 9:
Text: need guidance for reading tasks
Card 10:
Text: feel success is unattainable
Card 11:
Text: read to get done
Card 12:
Text: feel success is a result of effort
Card 13:
Text: often do not create mental images as they read
Card 14:
Text: adjust rate according to purpose
Card 15:
Text: possess limited vocabulary
Card 16:
Text: use text structure to assist comprehension
Card 17:
Text: give up when reading is difficult or uninteresting
Card 18:
Text: are flexible according to the task demands
Card 19:
Text: forget or mix-up information
Card 20:
Text: reflect on what they have read
Card 21:
Text: resist reading tasks
Card 22:
Text: may not recognize important vocabulary
Card 23:
Text: express negative feelings about reading
Card 24:
Text: persevere with even unfamiliar passages
Card 25:
Text: summarize main ideas and recall supporting details
Card 26:
Text: use fix-up strategies when they do not understand
Card 27:
Text: read without considering how to approach the material
Card 28:
Text: monitor their comprehension

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