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College of Education Strategic Plan (2019-24)


Our vision is to lead the nation in advancing the teaching profession by cultivating educational leaders.


Our mission is to purposefully allocate intellectual and financial resources to develop talented graduates and professionals, establish meaningful partnerships, foster innovative faculty and staff, advance academic excellence, and embrace the principles of Realizing the Democratic Ideal.

Strategic Plan

Goal 1

Support, recruit, and retain educators (faculty and students) who work to eliminate systemic inequities and promote inclusion in education.


  1. Develop an intentional plan with strategies and incentives for increasing the recruitment and retention of underrepresented and historically marginalized students, faculty, and staff;
  2. Establish opportunities for COE students, faculty, and staff to learn about and engage in efforts that promote equity and inclusion in education and communities that are historically marginalized.

Goal 2

Develop and support innovative, exceptional, and globally-minded educators and administrators.


  1. Prepare students, faculty, and staff to utilize pedagogically-driven and culturally responsive practices for teaching with technology;
  2. Encourage teaching and research efforts that lead to effective practices in education that help schools and colleges adapt to a changing world;
  3. Increase opportunities to connect students, faculty, and staff with educators and educational institutions around the world.

Goal 3

Build partnerships that reflect a shared commitment to excellence in educator preparation.


  1. Encourage interdisciplinary teaching and research across departments and schools;
  2. Incentivize research and teaching collaborations between COE faculty and faculty associates;
  3. Develop structures to involve all stakeholders (schools, colleges, private industry, professional associations, and others) in the COE including but not limited to periodic reviews of COE curriculum development and assessment;
  4. Involve school and college leaders/educators in the education and mentoring of COE students;
  5. Initiate relationships with organizations that support underrepresented and historically marginalized communities.

Goal 4

Provide a supportive and engaging graduate student experience.


  1. Renovate designated classrooms and other learning spaces for the use of graduate students;
  2. Provide a wider range of financial support for graduate students;
  3. Facilitate faculty development emphasizing best practices in adult education, distance learning, and blended/online learning;
  4. Facilitate mentorship opportunities that will engage students in ongoing research and teaching with faculty.

Goal 5

Affirm the reputation of the College of Education as the leader in educator preparation.


  1. Publicize the contributions and accomplishments of students, faculty, staff, and alumni;
  2. Partner with all stakeholders (schools, colleges, private industry, professional associations, and others) to increase COE presence in statewide policy making concerning education at all levels;
  3. Establish the COE as the state's primary center for inquiry in educational equity.