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Hall of Fame

2024 Inductees

Gerardo Barrio

Gerardo Barrio

Gerardo (Jerry) Barrio, ’98, M.S. ‘00 earned a bachelor’s degree in History Education and a master’s degree in Special Education from Illinois State. He received the ISBE 2024 Meritorious Teacher – Those Whose Excel Award and has also been nominated for Illinois Teacher of the Year twice. A four-time Golden Apple Award nominee, Barrio is passionate about supporting his students through long-lasting relationships and community building. He currently holds a Dual Language Social Studies teaching position at U-46 in Elgin, Illinois where he has supported bilingual, special education, and English Language Learners at both the elementary and secondary level for 24 years. Amidst his accolades and achievement, Barrio takes pride in his role as a mentor for his student body, serving as the sponsor of the future teacher’s club at Streamwood High School, supporting aspiring educators of diverse backgrounds to become successful and passionate contributors to their community.

John Bierbaum

John Bierbaum

Dr. John Bierbaum ’05, M.S. ’09, Ed.D. ’19, earned a bachelor’s degree in Social Science Education, a master's degree in History, and a doctorate in Teaching and Learning all at Illinois State. He is a National Board Certified Teacher. Bierbaum has spent nearly two decades teaching at his alma mater, Normal West High School, serving as the Social Studies department chair since 2022. There, he prioritizes community building initiatives for student involvement and is known as the teacher who is always available for students and coworkers. After helping to launch the Freshman Mentoring Program in 2006, he served the student body in sponsoring the Not In Our School group to empower students to engage in positive social discourse, and gain civic experiences through coaching the Mock Trial team. Bierbaum received the Illinois Principals Association Teacher Recognition Award and the Heartland Community College Distinguished Alumni Award.

Tamera Foley

Tamera Foley

Dr. Tamera Foley ’80 earned a bachelor’s degree in special education from Illinois State. She also earned a master’s degree in education and a doctorate degree in special education leadership. A recipient of the Golden Apple Award for Teacher Excellence and the Rockford NAACP branch’s Distinguished Educator Award, Foley’s 43-year educational career is defined by her passionate advocacy for special education and literacy through fostering collaborative school communities, as both a teacher and administrator. Until 2017 she was the Executive Director of Teaching and Learning at Clayton County Public Schools in Jonesboro, Georgia, promoting innovative methods for education equity. Foley implemented the School-Based Health Center which provides comprehensive and accessible healthcare to students who would otherwise go without, dramatically improving student attendance, concentration, and academic performance. Foley has since built her consultancy, Education 4 All Now, providing instructional materials and support to parents and educators looking to maximize student success.

Trudy Gross

Trudy Gross

Dr. Trudy Gross ’92 earned a bachelor's degree in special education from Illinois State. She also earned a master’s degree in educational administration and a doctorate degree in special education. She began her career in the classroom and has transitioned into administrative roles. Gross is the Associate Superintendent of Teaching and Learning at Fremont Union High School District in California, focusing her efforts on building students’ development and well-being. She was part of the Educational Options building’s development, which provides an apartment-like classroom for post-secondary program students to learn advanced life skills. Gross is currently establishing Wellness Centers on each of her district’s campuses to offer a safe, supportive environment with licensed professionals who provide social-emotional care. Gross received the Association of California School Administrators Student Services Administrator of the Year Award for Outstanding Achievement and Performance for seeing the importance of mental health and wellness to her district’s social and academic success.

Lindsey Jensen

Lindsey Jensen

Dr. Lindsey Jensen, ’20, received her doctorate in teaching and learning from Illinois State. She was named the 2018 Illinois Teacher of the Year, and has since earned a Harvard certification in Family and Community Engagement, using her platform and experience to support the current and future educators across the state. After seeing the need for today’s students to recognize teaching as a rewarding career path, Jensen brought Educators Rising, an ISBE-approved Career and Technical Student Organization to Illinois, helping high school students build community with other aspiring educators. As the Educators Rising State Coordinator, she hosts the organization’s annual state conference at the ISU campus, building key connections between young educators. By leading the charge for paid student teaching through sharing her expert testimony with the Illinois Representative Assembly’s Higher Ed Committee, Jensen works to make the state’s field of education accessible for aspiring educators.

Dana Karraker

Dana Karraker

Dr. Dana Karraker, ’85, M.S. ’07, Ed.D. ’18, earned her bachelor’s degree in elementary education and her master’s and doctorate degrees in curriculum and instruction at Illinois State. As the Assistant Director of the Center for Integrated Professional Development at ISU, she is pivotal in shaping the educational best-practices for ISU faculty and surrounding school educators. In her role, Karraker developed and facilitated multi-day workshops with the Center for Civic Engagement to support ISU faculty redesigning their courses to include diversity, equity, inclusion, and civic engagement alongside numerous other professional development initiatives. She is a member of the Culturally Responsive Campus Committee and GROWTH Leadership Team with the Office of the Provost, as well as the faculty advisor for the Illinois Education Association Aspiring Educators. Karraker’s extensive work is a testament to her expertise and unwavering commitment to advancing quality education for faculty and students alike.

Tara Mathien

Tara Mathien

Dr. Tara Mathien ’03 earned a bachelor's degree in early childhood education (ECE) at Illinois State. She also earned a master’s degree in child development and administration and a doctorate degree in curriculum and instruction leadership. She is a Clinical Assistant Professor and Program Area Leader for Early Childhood Studies for the University of Florida’s College of Education. She works to foster interdisciplinary strategies and professional growth in the future teachers she mentors. Serving as a program advisor to global early childhood organizations, including in Nepal and Switzerland, Mathien has national and international experience developing early learning programs and curriculum. Her research initiatives, including Project ECHO and several virtual exchange and international curriculum collaboration endeavors earned her the Teaching Excellence Fellow and International Educator of the Year Awards by the University of Florida for her work’s influence on education, curriculum, instruction, and practice.

Diane Ryndak

Diane Ryndak

Dr. Diane Ryndak ’74 earned a bachelor's degree in special education from Illinois State. She also earned a master's degree and a doctorate degree in special education. Ryndak is a professor at the University of North Carolina Greensboro. During her 50-year career in education, she has been a leading voice championing the rights of individuals with disabilities, advocating for the use of evidence-based practices to make general education accessible for students with severe and multiple disabilities, facilitating students with disabilities learning alongside their peers without disabilities. A recipient of the TASH Inclusive Education and the Distinguished Reviewer Awards, as well as the Special and Inclusive Education Research SIG Distinguished Researcher Award from the American Educational Research Association (AERA), Ryndak’s extensive published work and leadership have contributed substantially to the field of special education. Her work laid the foundation for contemporary special education methods, creating impactful, sustainable education reform with schools providing effective evidence-based instruction.

Past Recipients


  • 2023
  • Kim Carthans
  • Patrick Holloran
  • Tim Moore
  • Jeremy Schenk
  • 2022
  • joyce gillie gossom
  • Dan Kaiser
  • Cynthia L. Thompson
  • 2021
  • Matt Goodwin
  • Ross Hodel
  • Timothy Kilrea
  • Daniel López
  • Mary Manz Simon
  • 2019
  • Sharon Desmoulin-Kherat
  • Scott Parke
  • Diane Wolf
  • 2018
  • Loyal L. Darr
  • Jennifer Campion Friberg
  • John J. Hoover
  • 2017
  • J. Michael Durnil
  • Ardith Kleindienst
  • Pamela Rosa
  • 2016
  • Richard Benson
  • Mary Camp
  • Kathy Horvath
  • Mark Pagel
  • Joseph Rives
  • Kimberly Thomas
  • James R. Thompson
  • 2015
  • Stewart Adams
  • Thomas Bertrand
  • Michael Conver
  • David Kinney
  • Amy (Brophy) Laughlin
  • Donna J. (Prescott) Troka
  • 2014
  • John Avendano
  • Thomas M. Eddy
  • Kathleen Kane
  • Linda A. Rosendall
  • Carl J. Wenning, Ed.D.
  • 2013
  • Lori Ann (Duncan) Campbell
  • Greg P. Gardner
  • Lois J. (Hurston) Gaston
  • Teresa (Lucie) Thompson
  • Beverly J. Trezek
  • 2012
  • Kari Dunn Buron
  • Carol Judge Ketzle
  • Laura McNeal
  • Jeanne Glidden Prickett
  • J.R. Webster
  • 2011
  • Frank Chiodo
  • Joanne (Peppard) Cooke
  • Wayne Ruble
  • Edward Storrs
  • 2010
  • Cathy Flannery
  • Patti Hodges
  • Keith Jepsen
  • Ngozi Onuora
  • Deanna Perkins
  • Linda Tomlinson
  • Sharon Kay Weiss
  • 2009
  • Joan Kane
  • Gerald Lewis
  • Mary Jane Linton
  • Kathleen O'Leary
  • Charles Powers
  • John Tenney
  • 2008
  • Wesley Habley
  • Jill Lanier
  • Sharon Litchfield
  • Jessica Rivera
  • Gayle Saunders
  • Yvette Webber-Davis
  • 2007
  • Howard E. Brown
  • James R. Davis
  • James Joseph Doglio
  • Alice Michael Evans
  • Marilyn Feldmann
  • Tom Grites
  • Charles A. Martin
  • Harry Bernard Shaw
  • 2006
  • Jon Robert Bales
  • Lorinda A. Campo
  • Randy J. Dunn
  • Victor J. Rich
  • Ralph L. Smith, Jr.
  • Rose Sugden
  • 2005
  • Wayne Antenen
  • Seth Baker
  • Patsy Bowles
  • John Dively
  • Patricia Gallagher
  • Cynthia Grennan
  • Lee Noel
  • Lorene Ramsey
  • William Simpson
  • Sheila Sorrentino
  • Camille Taylor
  • Alcyone Vasconcelos
  • Werawat Wanasiri
  • Charles Warthen
  • Michael Winchell
  • 2004
  • Jonathan Astroth
  • Bettsey Barhorst
  • Carolyn Bartlett
  • Brock Butts
  • Cheryl Cage
  • Anthony Chambers
  • Alan Chapman
  • Anne Davis
  • Spencer Gibbins
  • Bonnie Gladden
  • Christine Guinther
  • Albert Hieronymus
  • Francis Irvin
  • Eugene Jontry
  • Clint Kelly
  • Marian Kneer
  • Tom Walter
  • 2003
  • Martha Angulo
  • Alan Brown
  • Harold Ford
  • Irvin Howard
  • Rita Kohn
  • Roy Oren Schilling
  • Louise Stubblefield
  • R. Craig Whitlock
  • Maxine Wortham
  • Anna Marie Yates
  • 2002
  • Beth Buehlmann
  • Barbara Caldwell
  • John Dal Santo
  • Jay Hammer
  • Kenneth Huddleston
  • Michael Johnson
  • Leonard Larson
  • Denise Spangler
  • Dorothy Miko
  • Douglas Otto
  • Julie Riley
  • Brenda Scheuermann
  • Carol Stack
  • 2001
  • Edna F. Bazik
  • Senator Evelyn M. Bowles
  • Mary Jo Ann (Jo) Crow
  • Rey E. de la Cruz
  • Sally Bulkley Pancrazio
  • Mary Gallagher Polite
  • 2000
  • Charles Bowen
  • David Goldenberg
  • Allyson Harding Smith Lawhorn
  • Elaine Held Parker
  • Paula Smith
  • Margaret Stangeland
  • Keith Storey
  • Kim Zinman
  • 1999
  • Judy Bieze
  • Cathy Bissoondial
  • Dave Edyburn
  • Pearl Mack
  • Lauren Mittermann
  • 1998
  • Joan Forney
  • Richard Manahan
  • Stanley Rives
  • Carol Struck
  • Noelia Vela
  • 1997
  • Joseph Cipfl
  • David Franklin
  • Pamela Inman
  • Alan Koenig
  • Jeannine Perez
  • Vallop Suwandee
  • John Swalec
  • Linda Timm
  • Reg Weaver
  • 1996
  • Valeria McLeannan Evans
  • Patricia First
  • James Forstall
  • Kathleen Kelly
  • Lanny Morreau
  • Sammie Campbell Parrish
  • David Turner
  • 1995
  • Catherine Batsche
  • Craig Bazzani
  • Robert Bowman
  • John Dossey
  • Lynn Gaddis
  • Gene Hoffman
  • Mary Ann Louderback
  • Jerry Moskus
  • George Pruitt
  • Patrick Schloss
  • Walter Warfield
  • Sermsak Wisalaporn