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Christie Angleton, PhD

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Dr. Christie Angleton (she/her) is an assistant professor of early childhood education in the School of Teaching and Learning at Illinois State University. She teaches courses in early literacy, prekindergarten education, and children’s literature. Her research uses critical content analysis to examine books for children as a vehicle for equity and justice. She also researches gender identity and expression in the preschool years, critical literacies, and queer literature for children.

Recent Scholarship

Angleton, C. (2024). A Tale of Two Riots: A Critical Content Analysis of Two Picturebooks about the Stonewall Uprising. Journal of Children’s Literature, 50(1).

Falbe, K. N., Angleton, C., & Zhao, X. (2024). From our ivory towers: Enacting our collective daily resistance through ungrading in a feminist co-mentoring group. Journal of Curriculum and Pedagogy, 1-20.

Angleton, C. (2021). “We have to work on our own biases”: Preservice Teachers Respond to Julián Is a Mermaid. Talking Points, 33(1), 2-9.

Angleton, C., Zhao, X., & Wellenreiter, B. R. (2021). Can people like me be patriotic too? Gender, race, and economics in “patriotic” picturebooks. Oregon Journal of the Social Studies, 9(2), 24-37.