Gui Ying Annie Yang-Heim, PhD

Dr. Gui Ying Annie Yang-Heim specializes in early childhood and elementary education, focusing on literacy instruction, classroom organization, reading assessment/intervention, and social justice. She earned her PhD in Curriculum and Professional Studies from the University of South Australia in 2021. Currently, she teaches Language Arts in Early Childhood Classrooms. Dr. Yang-Heim serves as Area Chair for International Research on Literacy Learning and Teaching (Area 12) of the Literacy Research Association (LRA). She is also a section editor for the International Journal of Education and Literacy Studies. Her research interests focus on exploring the learning needs of Early Childhood/Elementary students from diverse cultural, linguistic, racial, and socio-economic backgrounds; she seeks to collaborate with pre-service and in-service teachers to develop a Pluralistic Model and use this model to pinpoint contextualized and evidence-based teaching pedagogies to address the needs of these underrepresented young children in the dominant school settings. The overarching objective is to establish an inclusive and equitable learning environment, fostering the thriving of every student, irrespective of their background.
Recent Scholarship
Cole, D., Mirzaeirafe, M., & Yang-Heim, G. Y. (Eds.). (2024). Education, Research, Questions of Time. Singapore: Springer Nature.
Cole, D., Rafe, M., & Yang-Heim, G. Y. (2024). Educational Research and the Question (s) of Time. In D. Cole, M. Rafe, & G. Y. Yang-Heim (Eds.), Educational Research and the Question (s) of Time (P 1-16). Singapore: Springer Nature.
Yang-Heim, G. Y., & Dobson, S. (2023). A review of language literacy and science: enhancing engagement and achievement in science. International Journal of Inclusive Education. Doi: 10.1080/13603116.2023.2258368
Yang-Heim, G. Y. (2023). Cultural Perspectives on Indigenous Students’ Reading Performance: A Participatory and Exploratory Case Study at a Regional School in Australia. Singapore: Springer Nature.