Dr. Andrea Jamison
Assistant Professor
Teaching and Learning
- About
- Research
Current Courses
442.091Organization & Access To Information In The School Library
454.091Selection & Use Of Materials In Secondary School Library
391.004Tchng For Equity In Elem Classrooms Thr Assessmt,Collab,Comm
391.005Tchng For Equity In Elem Classrooms Thr Assessmt,Collab,Comm
At what cost?: Researching representation in the Core Knowledge Language Arts curriculum to repair curricular harm. American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting. (2025)
Culturally oppressed: An analysis of how scripted curriculum undermines culturally responsive teaching practices. International Conference on Urban Education Biennial Meeting. (2024)
Examining representations of race, ethnicity, gender, and (dis)ability in the Core Knowledge Language Arts Curriculum. National Council for Teachers of English Assembly for Research Conference. (2024)
I want to be a culturally responsive teacher, but I have to use this curriculum: Designing a tool to navigate the tension. National Council for Teachers of English Assembly for Research Conference. (2024)