Dr. Tony Lorsbach
Teaching and Learning

FHA Felmley Hall Of Science 151a
Office Phone
- About
- Education
- Research
Current Courses
247.002Science Inquiry for Elementary Teachers
247.003Science Inquiry for Elementary Teachers
247.007Science Inquiry for Elementary Teachers
PhD Science Education
Florida State Unversity
Tallahassee, FL
MS Biology
University of Missouri - St. Louis
St. Louis, MO
BA Biology
University of Missouri - St. Louis
St. Louis, MO
Journal Article
Lucey, T., & Lorsbach, A. Formative assessment: The developmental shaping of future teachers. Critical Issues in Teacher Education 28.1 (2021): 22-28.
Lorsbach, A., Arias, A., & Antink-Meyer, A. Charles Darwin, The Origin of Species, and Inductivism: Using Primary Sources and Controversy in the Elementary Preservice Classroom.. Journal of College Science Teaching 49.1 (2019)
Lorsbach, A., Meyer, A., & Arias, A. The Correspondence of Charles Darwin as a Tool for Reflecting on Nature of Science. Science & Education 28.9-10 (2019): 1085--1103.
Lorsbach, A., Meyer, A., & Arias, A. The correspondence of Charles Darwin as a tool for reflecting on nature of science. Science \& Education 28.9 (2019): 1085--1103.
Lorsbach, A., & Lucey, T. The myths of who we are: Meritocracy, teachers, and perceptions of working-class family histories. Education and Society 33.2 (2015): 65--83.