Dr. Jay Percell
Associate Professor, Secondary Education
Teaching and Learning

DEG Degarmo Hall
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- About
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- Research
Jay C. Percell, Ed. D., is an associate professor in the School of Teaching and Learning at Illinois State University. He teaches secondary education methods courses for implementing literacy and technology and serves as the course instructor for the ISU Secondary Professional Development School. His research interests include assessment and grading practices, educational technology, and digital literacy.
Teaching Interests & Areas
Secondary Education, Literacy, Technology
Research Interests & Areas
Literacy, Technology, Assessment and Grading Practices, Alternative Grading
EDD Curriculum and Instruction
Illinois State University
Ed.M. (Master of Education) Secondary Education
Northern Arizona University
Flagstaff, AZ
Bachelor of Arts English
Univeristy of Northern Colorado
Greeley, CO
2018 Outstanding Teacher of the Year
College of Education
Conference Proceeding
Percell, J. Beliefs in Practice: Assessment and Grading Philosophies Among Secondary Education Pre-service Teachers. Society for Information Technology \& Teacher Education International Conference (2019): 1121--1125.
Percell, J. Educating Avatars: Using Disciplinary Literacy Strategies in Virtual Classrooms. Society for Information Technology \& Teacher Education International Conference (2017): 1746--1751.
Percell, J., & Toledo, C. Do Not Be Alarmed, This Is Only A (n Online) Test. EdMedia+ Innovate Learning (2012): 2758--2761.
Journal Article
Jay C. Percell & Barbara B. Meyer (2021) Resolutions for a New Paradigm: Addressing Common Issues in Standards-Based Grading, Kappa Delta Pi Record, 57:4, 185-190, DOI: 10.1080/00228958.2021.1968692
Percell, J. Strategies for Diving into Successful Grading Reform. ASCD Express (2019)
Seglem, R., & Percell, J. Backchanneling as an Approach to Discussing Literature. English Journal 109.1 (2019): 82--89.
Seglem, R., & Percell, J. Backchanneling as an approach to discussing literature. English Journal (2019)
Percell, J. Lessons from alternative grading: Essential qualities of teacher feedback. The Clearing House: A Journal of Educational Strategies, Issues and Ideas 90.4 (2017): 111--115.