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Dr. Kate Peeples

Assistant Professor, Learning and Behavior Specialist
Special Education
DEG DeGarmo Hall 533
  • About
  • Education
  • Awards & Honors
  • Research

Current Courses

579.001Advanced Technological Applications In Special Education

593.001Computer Applications In Special Education

445.091Curriculum Development & Modification For Diverse Learners

345.002Literacy Applications

513.003Seminar In Evaluation Of Special Education Programs

344.002Teaching Secondary Content to Students with Disabilities

Research Interests & Areas

literacy interventions in special education, content-area vocabulary instruction in science and mathematics, teacher professional development

PhD Special Education

University of Virginia
Charlottesville, Virginia

Other Special Education

Elon University
Elon, North Carolina

BA English

University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Greensboro, North Carolina

Outstanding University Teaching Award/Teaching Initiative Award

Illinois State University

Book Review

Kang, J., & Peeples, K. Review of the book Six shifts to improve special education and other interventions: A commonsense approach for school leaders, by Nathan Levenson.. Teachers College Record (2022)

Book, Chapter

Kennedy, M. J., Kunemund, R. L., Coleman, O. F., Griendling, L. M., Peeples, K., Day, J., Waterfield, D., McClain, S. (in press). Harnessing technology to prepare special education teachers. In McCray, E., Sindelar, P., Bettini, E., McLeskey J., & Brownell, M. (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Special Education Teacher Preparation.

Creative Works/Broadcast Media

Kennedy, M. J., Romig, J. E., & Peeples, K. (2021). HLP #15: Use scaffolded supports.
Kennedy, M. J., Cook, L., Morano, S., & Peeples, K. N. (2019). High-leverage practice #20: Provide intensive instruction.
Kennedy, M. J., Peeples, K. N., Romig, J. E., Mathews, H. M., & Rodgers, W. J. (2018). High-leverage practices #8 & #22: Provide positive and constructive feedback to guide students’ learning and behavior.
Kennedy, M. J., Peeples, K. N., Romig, J. E., Mathews, H. M., Rodgers, W. J. (2018). High-leverage practice #16: Use explicit instruction.

Journal Article

Peeples, K. N., Kroesch, A. M., & VanUitert, V. J. (2023). Math is not a universal language: Bringing explicit vocabulary instruction into inclusive middle school mathematics classrooms. Learning Disabilities Research and Practice, 38(2), 129-143.
Carlisle, L., VanUitert, V., Kennedy, M., Rodgers, W., Romig, J., Morris-Mathews, H., & Peeples, K. (in press). Intersectionality in inclusive science classrooms: Enhancing student performance via multimedia teacher PD. Journal of Special Education Technology.
Gardiner-Walsh, S., Hartle, L., Peeples, K., & Bowman-Zatzkin, S. PHinisheD! Now what??: Early career experiences in sensory disability fields. SN Social Sciences 1.5 (2021): 1--28.
Kroesch, A. M., Peeples, K., Pleasant, C., & Cuenca-Carlino, Y. (2021). Let’s Argue: Developing Argumentative Writing Skills for Students with Learning Disabilities. Reading and Writing Quarterly. 1-16.
Peeples, K., Hirsch, S., Gardiner, S., Keeley, R., Sherrow, B., McKenzie, J., Randall, K., Romig, J., & Kennedy, M. Using multimedia instruction and performance feedback to improve pre-service teachers’ vocabulary instruction. Teacher Education and Special Education 42.3 (2019): 227-245.


Peeples, K., & Kroesch, A. M. (2023, September). Keep CALM and teach on! Developing accessible learning materials in educator preparation programs. Webinar at the CEC Virtual PD Fair, held virtually on 9/28/23.
Peeples, K. (2022, November). The hidden curriculum in higher education (panelist). Early Career SIG, Teacher Education Division (CEC-TED) Conference, Richmond, VA.
Peeples, K. (2022, September). Chapter 6: Cultural responsiveness and equity, from Equity by design: Delivering on the power and promise of UDL (Chardin & Novak, 2021). CEC-TED Book Club discussion, held virtually on 9/30/22.
Peeples, K., Kroesch, A. M., & Alves, K. D. (2022, November). Crossing into the classroom: Experiences in preparing paraprofessionals & provisionally licensed SPED teachers. Paper presentation & discussion at the Teacher Education Division (TED-CEC) Conference, Richmond, VA.
Peeples, K.N. & Kroesch, A.M. (2022, January). Investigating Special Education Teacher Candidates' Readiness to Teach Literacy Skills & Intervention. Presentation with questions and answers at the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) 2022 Annual Convention & Expo., Orlando, Fl
What’s the word? Using explicit vocabulary instruction to support all learners. Redbird Educator Series. Mary and Jean Borg Center for Reading & Literacy, Illinois State University. (2021)