Dr. Lara Handsfield
Teaching and Learning
DEG Degarmo Hall 315
Office Hours
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- About
- Education
- Awards & Honors
- Research
Lara Handsfield is Professor of bilingual, literacy, elementary education in the School of Teaching and Learning at Illinois State University. She researches identities and literacy instruction in diverse classrooms.
Current Courses
599Dissertation Research
Teaching Interests & Areas
Literacy methods, biliteracy, theory, critical issues in diversity in education
Research Interests & Areas
Critical and discourse methodologies, identity processes, classroom discourse, language and literacy, critical participatory action research
PhD Language and Literacy
University of Illinois
MA Bilingual and Multicultural Education
University of California
Santa Cruz
Outstanding University Researcher Award
Illinois State University
Outstanding Researcher Award
College of Eduation, Illinois State University
Outstanding College Researcher Award
Illinois State University
President's Service Award
Association of Teacher Educators
Book, Authored
Handsfield, L. Literacy theory as practice: Connecting literacy theory and practice in K-12 classrooms. Teachers College Press (2016)
Handsfield, L. Abstract and concrete attitudes among Mexican-descent high school students. University of California, Santa Cruz (1993)
Book, Chapter
Handsfield, L. Continuities of privilege and marginality across space and time: Critical autobiographical narrative in teacher education. Becoming Critical Teacher Educators. Routledge (2017): 70--84.
Conference Proceeding
Handsfield, L. From discontinuity to simultaneity: Mapping the “what ifs” in a classroom literacy event using rhizoanalysis. 56th yearbook of the National Reading Conference 56 (2007): 235.
Journal Article
MacPhee, D., Handsfield, L. & Paugh, P. (2021). Conflict or conversation?: Media portrayals of the science of reading. Reading Research Quarterly.
Hosek, V., & Handsfield, L. Monological practices, authoritative discourses and the missing “C” in digital classroom communities. English Teaching: Practice & Critique (2020)
BazemoreBertrand, S., & Handsfield, L. Show \& Tell: Elementary Teacher Candidates' Perceptions of Teaching in High-Poverty Schools. Multicultural Education 26.3/4 (2019): 27--37.
Beucher, R., Handsfield, L., & Hunt, C. What matter matters? Retaining the critical in new materialist literacy research. Journal of Literacy Research 51.4 (2019): 444-479.
Lysaker, J., & Handsfield, L. Integrative Research Syntheses as Sites of Disruption in Literacy Teacher Education. Journal of Literacy Research 51.2 (2019): 252--258.