Dr. Mark Zablocki
Associate Professor, Learning and Behavior Specialist
Special Education

DEG Degarmo Hall
Office Hours
Tuesdays 9:30-10:30
Thursdays 12:30-1:30
By appointment
Thursdays 12:30-1:30
By appointment
Office Phone
- About
- Education
- Research
Associate professor in the department of special education at ISU since 2011.
Current Courses
388.002Classwide And Individualized Behavior Supports
388.004Classwide And Individualized Behavior Supports
299.001Independent Honor Study
449.001Teaching Students With Emotional And Behavioral Disabilities
Teaching Interests & Areas
Urban education
Literacy instruction
Culturally responsive pedagogy
Research Interests & Areas
School to prison pipeline
Literacy for marginalized youth
Pre-service teacher training in culturally responsive pedagogies
PhD Literacy and outcomes for youth
University of Maryland
College Park, MD
Modeling reflective and critical thinking skills: the journey begins with us.. Annual University Teaching Symposium. Illinois State University. (2018)