Dr. Terry Husband
Professor of Early Childhood Literacy
Teaching and Learning
- About
- Education
- Awards & Honors
- Research
Terry Husband is a Professor of Early Childhood Literacy at Illinois State University in Normal, Illinois. His research interests concern: Antiracist education in early childhood classrooms; Literacy development in Black boys in P-5 classrooms; and Multicultural children’s literature.
Current Courses
462.001Connecting Literacy Theory, Research & Practice
110.001Cross Cultural Teaching And Learning
299.001Independent Honor Study
274.001Literacy and Language Assessment
274.091Literacy and Language Assessment
469.001Professional Research In Literacy Learning II
Teaching Interests & Areas
Early Childhood Literacy Assessment
Early Childhood Literacy Methods
Research Interests & Areas
1. Literacy Development in Black boys
2. Critical Literacies in Early Childhood Classrooms
3. Antiracist Education and Equity Issues
The Ohio State University
Columbus, Ohio
Outstanding University Teaching
Student Advocacy and Accommodations Award
Student Access and Accommodations Office
Outstanding Teaching Award
College of Education
Journal Article
Husband, T., & Kang, G. Identifying Promising Literacy Practices for Black Males in P-12 Classrooms: An Integrative Review.. Journal of Language and Literacy Education 16.1 (2020): n1.
Kang, G., & Husband, T. " We the Afro Club" Relationship Capital Established Between a White Male Teacher \& a Cadre of Black Boys in Literacy. Multicultural Education 27.3/4 (2020): 8--16.
Husband, T., & Hunt, C. A review of the empirical literature on No Child Left Behind from 2001 to 2010. Planning and Changing 46.1/2 (2015): 212.
Lycke, K., Hurd, E., & Husband, T. Rural Teachers’ Literacy Practices In and Out of the Classroom: Exploring Teacher Characteristics and Literacy Tools. The Rural Educator 36.3 (2015)
, T. Using Diverse Children's Literature and Critical Literacy to Promote Disability Awareness and Advocacy. Texas Literacy Journal 11.2: 8-19.