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Affiliated Work

CSEP staff members serve on several statewide committees that influence the work of P-20 education. Examples of this work include:


Illinois Governor P-20 Council

Erika Hunt and Debra Kasperski both serve as members on the Governor’s P-20 Council.

P-20 Committee for Teacher and Leadership Effectiveness

Erika Hunt serves as the co-chair of the Teacher and Leadership Effectiveness committee of the Illinois P-20 Council. The following reports resulted from the work of this committee:

  • 2010 Leadership Effectiveness Committee Report
  • 2011 Teacher and Leadership Effectiveness Committee Report
  • 2013 Teacher and Leadership Effectiveness Committee Report

Lisa Hood and Debra Kasperski serve as committee members.

Illinois Education Research Council (IERC)

Erika Hunt serves on the Advisory Committee for IERC, which serves as the research arm to state P-20 education work in Illinois. In 2011, Dr. Hunt co-authored a report on principal leadership with staff of the IERC. View the IERC report.

Data, Research, and Evaluation Committee, Illinois Early Learning Council

Lisa Hood serves on the Data, Research, and Evaluation Committee on the Illinois Early Learning Council. The purpose of this committee’s work is to work toward the development and implementation of a unified early childhood data system aligned with the state’s P-20 data longitudinal system.

Education Solutions Team, United Way of McLean County

Erika Hunt serves as the Vice Chair of the Education Solutions Team for the local United Way. The Education Solutions Team is the voluntary arm of United Way that makes funding allocations related to its local education initiatives and coordinates education programming with community partners.

Rigor in Reading Comprehension Policy Advisory Group

Lisa Hood is a member of this advisory group that has been convened by the Erikson Institute to refine their understanding of policy and practice around early reading instruction and professional development of teachers. This advisory group will seek to provide recommendations for scaling up early literacy professional development in districts outside of Chicago Public Schools.

Steering Committee for the Redefining the High School to College Transition in Illinois Initiative

Erika Hunt serves on the Steering Committee for this Joyce Foundation funded initiative to create community systems for better aligning the high school to college transition in Illinois.

Planning and Changing Journal, Editorial Board

Erika Hunt and Norm Durflinger serve on the Planning and Changing Journal editorial board. This journal is a publication of the College of Education, Education Administrations and Foundations and is a peer-reviewed well-respected educational leadership and policy studies.

National Governor’s Association Early Learning Policy Academy for Illinois

Lisa Hood and Erika Hunt have served on the state team convened by the Office of Early Childhood in the Illinois Governor’s Office to participate in the Early Learning Policy Academy sponsored by the National Governor’s Association. The purpose of this academy is to promote Birth through Grade 3 policies and programs in early childhood programs and P-12 school districts in Illinois.

Past Affiliations

Advisory Council for the State We’re In Report

Amy Perona served on the Advisory Council for the State We’re In Report, a biennial report issued by the state organization Advance Illinois that describes the current health of our state’s education system that serves students from birth to post-secondary.

Race to the Top Review

Lynne Haeffele served as one of 58 national reviewers (from 1500 other applicants) for state Race to the Top grant applications. She traveled extensively to Washington, DC to participate in training, proposal review, and peer conferences to make determinations about which state most clearly described coherent and comprehensive education reforms consistent with Race to the Top priorities.

Illinois School Report Card

Erika Hunt served on the statewide P-20 Council committee that made recommendations for the indicators and design of the new Illinois school report card.

Kindergarten Individual Developmental Survey (KIDS) Advisory Committee

Erika Hunt served on the Advisory Committee for the KIDS survey. The purpose of the KIDS survey was to adopt a uniform statewide kindergarten readiness process that would: 1) identify gaps in school readiness; 2) provide information to drive more effective classroom instruction; and, 3) support state and local data-driven decision-making on professional development and resource allocation.

Illinois Early Math Advisory Committee

Erika Hunt served on the Illinois Early Math Advisory Committee convened by the Illinois Network of Childcare Resource and Referral Agencies that developed recommendations for the creation of math trainings that targeted early education teachers outside of Chicago.

Streamlining Illinois' Regional Offices of Education Commission (SIROEC)

Norm Durflinger chaired the Governor’s Streamlining Illinois' Regional Offices of Education Commission. In response to P.A. 97-0619, the Commission was created to examine the duties of ISBE and the regional offices of education and intermediate service centers to determine which duties should be handled by a regional delivery system and how best to streamline the regional offices of education.

Factors that Affect Implementation, Spread, and Sustainability

An Implementation of Everyday Mathematics

Lisa Hood and Joe Pacha consulted with researchers at the Center for Elementary Math and Science Education at the University of Chicago. Two times a year, Hood and Pacha conducted observations, interviews, and focus groups with teachers and students to study the implementation of science and math curricula and pedagogy in K-8 classrooms. This research was funded by two National Science Foundation grants.

State of Illinois Dual Credit Task Force

Erika Hunt served as a member on the Illinois Dual Credit Task Force created by the General Assembly through HJR36 . The purpose of the task force was to study and discuss issues related to dual credit. The task force submitted a report to the General Assembly that clarified the statutory expectations of the Dual Credit Quality Act.

Illinois School of Advanced Leadership, Design Team

Lisa Hood and Joe Pacha served as members of the Illinois School of Advanced Leadership (ISAL) Design Team convened by the Illinois Association of School Administrators. Dr. Hood also served as the team’s program evaluator for the program’s first two years. The ISAL is an advanced program for Illinois superintendents that provides coaching and professional development in a cohort model to support their leadership knowledge and skills over the course of a two year program.