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Community and Program Planning Workshops

All materials and recordings from the various planning are included below.

Planning for ISBE's PI Funding Proposal Workshop (1/19/18)

  1. Agenda
  2. Full Presentation Slides
  3. ISBE RFP Materials Summary - PI
  4. PI Budget Handout
  5. Items 5 (B-3 Pipeline), 9 (IL IECMHC Model), and 10 (Estimating Mental Health Consultation Costs) from the 12/12/17 Workshop below were also presented.

Monday, January 22, 2018 Prevention Initiative Technical Assistance Webinar Recording

Planning for FY19 Early Childhood Block Grant Applications Workshop (12/11 and 12/12/17)

  1. Agenda
  2. ISBE RFP Materials Summary
  3. Full Presentation Slides
  4. PFA and PFAE Budget Resources
  5. B-3rd Pipeline
  6. Inclusion Clarification and Inclusion Clarification Slides
  7. Inclusion Models and 2016 Inclusion Brochure
  8. Early Childhood: What Makes Inclusion Work
  9. IL IECMHC Model
  10. Estimating Mental Health Consultation Costs

The 12/12/17 Workshop was recorded. For easier navigation, please note the time markings in association with each section of the agenda:

Topic Time Marker
Welcome and Intro  
Application Components Overview 16:50
RFP Narrative and Program Components 25:00
PI Specific Components: 55:00
Program Structure and Budget 1:27:30
Birth-to-Third Grade Pipeline/Community Systems 1:49:10
Risk and Reach - Using Data (IECAM)  

Friday, December 12 - PFA/E Technical Assistance Webinar
Thursday, December 21 - Inclusion in ECBG Funding Webinar

Additional Resources

Event Contact Information

These events are hosted by the B-3 Continuity Project with support from Robert R. McCormick Foundation Irving Harris Foundation.