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Developmentally Appropriate Practices Training

The B-3 Continuity Project has partnered with Pat Chamberlain and Julie Kallenbach to present a series of trainings on Developmentally Appropriate Practices. Materials and information about upcoming and previous trainings are below.

Pat Chamberlain earned her master’s in bilingual education from Northern Illinois University and works within the early learning system on issues related to optimizing the educational opportunities for culturally and linguistically diverse children, most recently as the director of the Award for Excellence Project for Linguistically and Culturally Responsive Practice for the Illinois Governor’s Office of Early Childhood.

Julie Kallenbach earned her doctorate in curriculum and instruction from Northern Illinois University and works for the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) as a kindergarten individual development survey (KIDS) trainer and coach, along with her independent consulting on a variety of early learning projects.


Watch our newsletter for other opportunities in the Spring of 2019.


Aligning PreK and Kindergarten Assessment and Instructional Practices and Learning

On November 28, 2018, Pat Chamberlain and Julie Kallenbach presented a day long training on Developmentally Appropriate Practices. Teams of PrK and Kindergarten represented teams attended together to talk about alignment of practices and collaboration between the two.

Learning Objectives

  • Understand the purpose of Birth to 3rd Continuity
  • Examine the components of Developmentally Appropriate Practice across the curriculum
  • Practice observational assessment (unpacking measures and evidence)
  • Compare curriculum framework/units of study across grade levels
  • Share instructional targets in math and language arts (number sense and writing)
  • Understand Crosswalks between KIDS and Preschool Assessments (Gold, DRDP, COR, Work Sampling, ELS)

Seminar Materials

What to Look for in a Developmentally Appropriate Classroom

On April 13, 2018, Pat Chamberlain and Julie Kallenbach showed in a webinar that a developmentally appropriate classroom using a play-based learning model is purposefully and in tentionally planned by teachers to address standards.

Learning Objectives

  • How does playful learning impact positive intellectual and academic outcomes for children?
  • How are Developmentally Appropriate Practices evident in the Danielson Framework?

Seminar Materials

I Believe in Play; Sharing our Successes and Planning Next Steps for Positive Student Outcomes

On March 21, 2018, Pat Chamberlain and Julie Kallenbach presented a day long training on Developmentally Appropriate Practices. This training was recorded and a discussion guide was developed to allow for all or parts of the training to be replicated during professional training time.

The Discussion Guide outlines the video recording with options for local facilitation of discussions or the ability to see how others during the training work through the activities. Handouts from the session are provided below and the NAEYC book Developmentally Appropriate Practice in Early Childhood Programs is utilized for the training. It is suggested that you review the Discussion Guide before planning your professional development time and determine the right fit for working with your group.

Learning Objectives

  • Reinforce proven practices that incorporate learning in play.
  • Planning for the adult's role in child-directed play to promote students' social and emotional growth.
  • Practice planning standards-based units that incorporate play.

Seminar Materials

Play-Based Learning: The What, Why and How

On March 7, 2018 and November 9, 2018 Pat Chamberlain and Julie Kallenbach presented a day long training on Developmentally Appropriate Practices.

Learning Objectives

  • Understand the purpose of Birth to 3rd Continuity
  • What: Define features of play-based learning
  • Why: Apply brain-based principles to classroom design and instructional planning to improve student outcomes
  • How: Analyze observational data to refine the teacher’s role in scaffolding student play

Seminar Materials

5 Things You Must Do to Support Dual Language Learners from Birth through Kindergarten

On January 29, 2018, Pat Chamberlain and Julie Kallenbach presented a webinar about the foundational components of high-quality birth-through-kindergarten programming that build upon the assets of dual language learners and their families.

This webinar examined answers to

  • Who are your dual language learners?
  • What are effective models?
  • Is your environment culturally responsive?
  • What strategies support student growth?
  • How can you get to know your families?

Webinar Materials

Why Developmentally Appropriate Practices (DAP) Impact Student Outcomes Webinar

Julie Kallenbach presented an introduction to DAP and how it can improve student outcomes December 7, 2017.

Learning Objectives

  • Overview of DAP – 5 guidelines for effective teachers
  • Integrating DAP into the B-3 Continuum
  • Intersections between DAP and PFA/E guidelines
  • How to get started using DAP
  • Tools and resources for learning more
  • Information about upcoming trainings

Webinar Materials

Play-based learning webinar

Elgin Area School District Unit 46 has implemented play-based curriculum in their all-day kindergarten classrooms. They shared their development, implementation and initial results on December 1, 2016.

Topics included

  • Curriculum and Resources
  • Challenges and Successes (getting it approved, schedules, buy-in, etc.)
  • Professional Development
  • Dual Language Kindergarteners
  • Benefits
  • 1st Grade Alignment for next year

Webinar Materials

These events are hosted by the B-3 Continuity Project.