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Illinois’ Home Visiting Systems and Preschool Transitions

Have you ever wondered what home visiting programs do? Or, how to better connect with families receiving home visiting services? The Illinois Birth-to-Third Grade (B-3) Continuity Project hosted a webinar on Wednesday, April 11, 2018 to answer these questions.

The Connecting 0-3 year-olds; the ins and outs of Home Visiting webinar provided a general overview of the several home visiting structures in the state of Illinois. Many of the different home visiting program models were also described. Each of the models presented some strategies and best practices for transitioning young children into preschool programs.

A large number of collaborators shared about the home visiting landscape. Representatives from different funding sources include: Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE), Maternal, Infant, Early Childhood Home Visiting (MIECHV), Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS), and Early Head Start.

Specific home visiting models that shared some of their preschool transitions best practices include

  • Baby Talk
  • Early Head Start
  • Healthy Families America
  • Parents as Teachers

Webinar Materials