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Subject Headings Used to Organize the Bills

The bills in this compilation are arranged by subject and (within each subject heading) by state and year. (Of course, users can employ free-text searches to find bills on specific topics that may not be captured by the subject headings.) Because individual bills often cover multiple topics, they may appear under multiple subject headings.  Headings used to index the bills are as follows:

Bills Related to Postsecondary Curricula and Programs

  • Programming for Specific Occupations
  • Articulation with K-12 Schools, Dual/Concurrent Enrollment of High School Students, Other Efforts to Work with or Prepare K-12 students for Postsecondary Study Prepare K-12 Students for Postsecondary Study
  • Connections with Four-Year Colleges, Including Transfer and Articulation
  • Admissions, Matriculation, and Student Progress
  • Statewide or Regional Planning and Coordination
  • Distance Education
  • Other Bills Related to Postsecondary Curricula and Programs

Bills Related to Adult, Continuing, and Community Education

  • Adult Basic Education, Literacy Education, or GED Preparation
  • Other Bills Related to Adult, Continuing, and Community Education
  • Bills Related to Economic Development
  • Specific Industries or Specific Labor Shortage Areas
  • State/Regional Coordination and Administration of Economic and Workforce Development
  • Programming for the Unemployed, Low-Income Individuals, Public-Aid Recipients
  • Other Bills Related to Economic or Workforce Development

Bills Related to Students

  • Financial Aid: Targeted Occupations
  • Financial Aid: Targeted Groups (Other than Those Preparing for Specific Occupations)
  • Financial Aid: Merit-Based Programs
  • Financial Aid: Savings or Tuition Pre-Purchase Plans
  • Financial Aid: Other
  • Student Records
  • Tuition and Fees
  • Athletes and Athletics
  • Students with Disabilities
  • Student Health and Safety
  • Other Bills Related to Students

Bills Related to the Faculty

  • Faculty Work, Responsibilities, and Productivity
  • Contracts, Benefits, and Remuneration
  • Part-Timers
  • Qualifications
  • Recruitment and Professional Development
  • Other Faculty-Related Bills

Bills Related to Governance and Administration

  • State Governance and Administration
  • Local Governance and Administration

Bills Related to Funding

  • Performance, Accountability
  • Appropriations
  • Private Financial Support
  • Other Bills Related to Funding

Accounting, Purchasing, and Fiscal Management

  • Contracting and purchasing
  • Investments
  • Property/Facilities Management
  • Other Matters Relating to Accounting, Purchasing,

Bills Related to Personnel (Nonfaculty) Management

  • Personnel: Salaries & Benefits
  • Personnel—Collective Bargaining and Collective
  • Personnel Management—Other

Other Bills

  • Law Enforcement and Campus Safety
  • Credentialing and Continuing Education Requirements
  • Elementary and Secondary Education
  • Public Records and Open Meetings
  • Miscellaneous