Centers and Initiatives
Our reach goes far beyond Illinois State University. The centers and initiatives housed in the College of Education make a big impact on the teaching profession across the state, nation, and the globe.
Larry and Barbara Efaw Center for Educator Excellence
Supports teacher education students and alums in their development as excellent educators across the educator lifespan.
Cecilia J. Lauby Teacher Education Center
Provides critical information to teacher education students across all programs as they work towards licensure.
Mary and Jean Borg Center for Reading and Literacy
Promotes literacy to all ages and offers professional development and research to educators, parents, and others.
Special Education Assistive Technology (SEAT) Center
Equips educators with digital literacy skills through professional development, technology exploration, curriculum development, and more.
Autism Professional Learning and Universal Supports
Assists the Illinois State Board of Education in addressing the significant behavior needs of children and youth with Autism Spectrum (ASD) and related behavior and communication disorders.
Center for Intensive Behavioral Supports
This project assists the Illinois State Board of Education in developing professional learning addressing the use and reduction of time out and restraint.
Center for the Study of Education Policy
Conducts research on policy issues affecting early childhood, K-12, and higher education. It emphasizes seamless pathways, school and district leaders' roles, teacher support, policy research, and continuous improvement.
Illinois Center for Specialized Professional Support
Offers professional development for career and technical educational professionals.
National Board Resource Center
Supports teacher candidates seeking National Board Certification and provides professional development.
The PULSE program is an online, streamlined program for special education paraprofessionals seeking a Bachelor's degree and Professional Educator's License with a Learning Behavioral Specialist 1 endorsement.
Early Childhood Education - Online Workforce Program
Provides an online program for professionals currently working in early childhood settings to earn their bachelor's degree.
Teach Chicago Tomorrow
Chicago Public School students progress from being a high school graduate to CPS licensed teachers. Students can choose to come to ISU directly after high school or can choose a 2+2 path that allows them to attend City Colleges of Chicago for the first two years and then complete our easy ISU transfer process.
Redbird Educator Scholars
A mentoring initiative for college students pursuing an Education Career Pathway, aiming to support their progression towards teaching.
Chicago Teacher Education Pipeline
The Chicago Teacher Education Pipeline (CTEP) is grounded in social justice and works to cultivate and sustain innovative, resilient, and effective educators for urban schools and their communities.
Illinois Tutoring Initiative
Supports the learning and social/emotional well-being of students in the wake of the pandemic.
Offers study abroad opportunities for teacher candidates as well as professional development and scholarships.