The Lab Schools Advisory Council (LSAC) consists of nine parents, two representatives from the PTO (Metcalf) and Boosters (U-High), two faculty (one from each school), and a University representative.
Pictured left to right: Kathy Murdoch, Ryan Scritchlow, Jeremy Wilcox, Katherine Smith, Liz Austin, Megan Bozarth, Heather Marshall, Meredith Diaz, Lyndsey Carney, Dr. Anthony Jones, Christine Chiodo, and Tim King. Not pictured: Antonio Causarano, Andy Goveia, and Mike Jones.
What We Do
Since 1976, LSAC has advised the Superintendent of the Laboratory Schools in the following areas:
- Maintain relationships with the University, community, and state regulatory systems
- Set long and short-term goals for the Lab Schools
- Promote parent and community representation on committees
- Serve as a liaison between the administration, faculty, and parents
Our other interests include:
- Recognizing faculty and staff
- Examining safety issues in schools
- Promoting better use of technology
- Examining multicultural issues
- Working with local legislators to advance legislation favorable to the schools
Being part of the LSAC lets you make a direct impact on the lives of students. Qualifications include:
- Being a Laboratory School parent
- Having an active interest in the school system
- Willingness to commit your time (we meet monthly, typically from 6:00 - 7:30 p.m.)
The LSAC does not serve as a school board for the Laboratory Schools. Thus, it has no formal authority with regard to policy approval, grievance hearings, or operational decisions. The Laboratory Schools are part of Illinois State University, and like other departments on campus the Laboratory Schools are required to operate under the policies established by the Board of Trustees.